This fictional magazine named Hum is based on a school project from 2022. The content is based on an article published by Humtank. The article is about education in the humanities category and their role in society today. The magazine also contains a presentation of a group project based on the article. A physical mockup of the magazine were printed.

The magazine layout design is characterized by a clean, simple, and uncluttered aesthetic. The layout is grid-based, with headings and page numbers that are clearly defined and aligned for a magazine that is easy to read and navigate through. The design is inspired by fashion and design magazines with a sophisticated and modern look.
Humtank group project
The magazine presents a group project with a concept named Humour. A part of Humtank that markets humanities education. Humtour's aim is to transform something stale and boring into something fun. Therefore, we would conduct Humtour at music festivals in a relaxed way by attracting people with marketable products, while we promote Humanities education.
My role (Humtank group project)
During the Humtank project presented in my magazine I took the role as Art Director. In my role I was responsible for developing ideas and creative concepts. I also ensured that all aspects were completed on time and aligned with the visual vision for the project.
Software and tools
Adobe Indesign

[Printed mockup]